Monday, September 22, 2014

Day 22 - yes I'm a day behind

My lack of internet two days ago and sporadic internet yesterday has gotten me rather behind! However yesterday day 22 was GORGEOUS! We made it to Cruz de Ferro - iron cross . Where pilgrims leave a token of love or blessing (usually a rock carried from home). It is also almost the highest point and one of the most recognized symbols along the way. This being a mere 2km from our Albergue I chose my daily photo to be taken here!

We made it up just as the sun crested the mountain. Simply stunning view and we had all the time in the world to enjoy it.

From here I could say "I'm on top of the Camino!!" Finally making it to the highest point. However I can't say "it is all downhill from here as we still have the longest steepest climb ahead! We moved on to the next town. Manjarin has a population of 1, the owner of an Albergue that has no Wi-Fi and no running water. Electricity is solar powered and latrines are across the street.

Here is myself and Sandi our new walking companion. We are walking through Riego de Ambros.

After a very steep downhill which at some points was actually rock face. Seriously killer on the feet, ankles, and toes (everywhere else as well). We made it to Molinaseca. Which is a pleasant town with a nice inviting river.

We wanted to push on to Ponferrada but a bike race this week has filled it up. Dinner was nice I got eggs with mushrooms and BBQ ribs.

1 comment:

  1. So you made it to the cross at sunrise like you wanted!! :) Hundreds of years ago I'm sure there weren't many villages and shops on the camino so it was probably more like Manjarin population 1. Especially the bathrooms. You guys just stepped into a time warp for a little while. Love the photos, as always!!! Ant L
