Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Day 17 - Spain geography

Day 17 was long and not exactly well marked. There were a lot of roads crisscrossing most ending in the same area. We ended up taking a more scenic route before getting back onto the direct path. We left 5:45am and arrived at 1245pm. Our gude says 28km a friends GPS says 34km. I think it was closer to 31km at least my feet think so.

The Spanish equivalent to states are regions. Each is unique in its own way is terrain, language(Basque, Castilian, or Galician), festivals, etc. So far we have gone through Navarre, La Rioja, Burgos, Palencia, and currently Leon. We are going to go to Galicia where we end. Galicia is known for raining on us pilgrims.

The rocks sent me an ambassador to parlay a truce. I acquiesced to their demands and I think we are now friends. They were very persuasive communicating through a stone in my shoe! I am unsure if the treaty is limited T this region or all of Spain though. I suppose I shall find out soon. Time for food and then sleep. Into Leon tomorrow (will take a bus part way to avoid city walking) and a HOTEL! Yay for relaxing.


  1. I hope you can find a shoe store or insoles! I'm glad you have a treaty with the rocks. Hopefully it will last the remainder of your journey. Are you filling up your Camino passport? I'm glad you missed the rain today!! How are the stars? Can you see a gazillion?? And the air is it clean and sweet? Til next time....Ant L

  2. Ditto to the Ant L's questions, and thoughts. We will look up Leon and walk around on the path a bit on GoogleEarth. (at least my shoes aren't wearing out)
    and you mentioned mosquito's last time we talked, can you put on some repellent? or do you sweat it off? maybe some other pilgrims have info on shoe stores? or the Hostel Hosts?
    enjoy enjoy
    HooRay for another Hotel stay. you guys sooo deserve it. your feet and backs will love you for that.

  3. PS i sent you an email :) M
