Friday, September 12, 2014

Day 13 - who swallowed a fly

After sleeping in it was only natural to take a taxi for a bit. 20 km and 20min later we are in Hornillos with 12km left to walk. Very nice. Though the meseta is a bit grueling. You walk up to a long flat bit than down into towns and up again. On the upper level there is a cool breeze but no shade.

The hostel is nice not as a nice as the hotel though. Luke warm shower, laundry cleaning, cerveza and lunch eaten now time for siesta!

Before I leave further European insights: - toilets flush on the top you push a button. The more fancy one have two sides to the button one small one large. I believe this is to control the water small for pee large for poo. None of the toilets have much water in the. - everywhere has big trash bins AND recycle bins - flies are horrible. They fly about my mouth and today I almost choked on one. Seriously I inhaled the bug and started choked until I could get it up and out. I tasted fly for the next hour. Fly up the nose not so much better. - keep safety pins with you they are ALWAYS handy


  1. YUCK, and again I say...YUCK!!!! Tell me what does a safety pin have to do with flies??? Gee, I HATE flies!!! Thought about you last night about 1am. Figured you had already woken up and travelling for the day. At least you have toilets. I wonder what the facilities were like hundreds of years ago when pilgrims made the same journey? And I bet the flies where there then too. 6:30am here, hope I can go back to sleep zzzzzzzzzzzz Ant L

    1. Safety pins wet a separate adventure. My 'purse' ie money pouch strap broke and my water bottle pouch needed a mend both were fixed by safetypins that someone else had. They are handy once I get home I will try to never be without one. - Shelley

  2. Eww you almost ate a fly! >_< As far as the toilets you where describing, I actually sell those exact toilets at my work! 2 buttons side by side on top of the tank to flush and one does allow more water then the other for different types bathroom... usages.... ^_^
