Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Day 11 - perfect!

Started the day at 540am arrived in Ages by 1245pm an Easy 28 km even with about 1000m of elevation change.

Cathedral in Villa Franca. We stopped for a cafe and delicious fresh squeezed orange juice!

We walked through beautiful shady pines. As the sun came up it was so nice to be on the shade and the pine smell simply heavenly.

This is a trail marking 2km outside of San Juan de Ortega.

Every town has its own church here is the one in San Juan. We ate lunch next door.

Lastly this greeted us in our final atop of the day - Ages. Thankfully we booked ahead when we got here the person after us got the last bed! Sending our packs ahead does not guarantee a room. I had a little panic moment when we arrived and our bag was not with the others! Turns out it we beat our bag to the hostel! We are rooming with three older Irish gentlemen who are quit jovial. They have some great philosophies. One told us " I see life like a string it may end tomorrow it may not. It is the inevitability of death that makes life worth living." Instead of napping I spent my afternoon nap trying to converse with the Brazilian lady we have been passing for the past severs days. We were buying beers for each other and I over indulged (3 didn't seem like much). It was great fun she is so happy and excitable saying "Viva la Vida!" Dinner with two French gentlemen one a colorectal surgeon who had a grand time joking about his career and discussing the important of pelvic floor exercises and stretching with me. They have been walking the camino in spurts starting from their home in Breast, France. Overall perfect walk great social Time and drinks. Tomorrow 23km to Burgos we have a HOTEL booked Norte Y Londres hopefully a bathtub will be in my future! Fellow Camino friends will be in the same hotel so we may have dinner company!

512km left!


  1. love x a gazillion those pix especially the one with the church at the end of the path. oh that sky :D did you get your hair cut? looks cute, almost curly.
    what a day eh? and tomorrow a real bed and bathroom with Toilet Paper haha. the hotel looks reallllly nice. enjoy enjoy.
    happy trail to u two. mom

  2. Hi Shelley, The elevation probably affects your alcohol tolerance. I imagine everything tastes and smells wonderful too. As John Denver said it "Rocky Mountain High" except I assume it's Pyrenees High. Enjoy your bath, even if it is a common bathroom!!! The most fun and rewarding experiences I had in Europe was interacting with and trying to communicate with fellow travelers. ENJOY!!! HI TO BASTIAN <3

  3. Hey my friend. You have had quite an adventure already. The first day with no TP and smelling odors while sleeping would have sent me packing to a hotel! Never mind the blisters and no tub? You go girl. It does look amazing. The churches are beautiful and so many. They are so very strong in their faith. I like hearing that. You two look great and at peace. I sure do miss you here at work. Stay safe and keep sending info and pictures. Hope your feet are 100% soon. Love you.
