Friday, October 3, 2014

Sintra - Quinta da Regaleira

This is the newest home we explored finished in 1911. I guess it has only been open for exploration a few years. It is also had photos of

Yes there were stairs!

A LOT of stairs. Tho is from the bottom if the initiate well. You could either walk down from mid way, the top, or take a 'secret' cave pathway to get to there. The grounds are wicked awesome! With the tunnels and multiple pathways etc if you don't have good map sense you ARE lost! I am grateful Bastian has map sense.

Views were amazing! Each spire had a different theme.

Tyler and Bonnie acted out some Shakespeare.

1 comment:

  1. That was a home??? Looks like a church with that spire. People must've had strong legs back then. No gas powered transport. Glad Bonnie and Tyler are having a good time. :) Ant L
