The hotel does not have WiFi so updates will be a little sporadic. Dublin was crowded though it was a Friday. We did a fair bit of walking and bus taking. We stayed two nights in a Travelodge near Dublin and are now at a Travelodge in Cork.
The weather has been amazing. Chilly but basically clear skies other than that brief London period. Yesterday was Dublin. We started with a tour of the Guinness storehouse which Is across the street from the brewery.
The tour showed us examples of the key Guinness ingredients - Barley, Yeast, Hops, and Water. There was a display for each here is their water display -
Your ticket in includes a pint! You could go to the top and they pull it for you or you could learn to pull the perfect pint and pull your own! Now I'm not fond of Guinness being a lighter beer fan but I couldn't pass up learning how to pull a pint!
Afterwards all of us in the perfect pint class took a photo!
And we went up to the top to drink our pints! This being my first beer that I've pulled on my own I was proud to drink it and display my certificate!
Next Trinity College!
Sounds like a great tour. I toured the Coors brewery in Colorado but we didn't get to pull a pint. Glad you had good weather!!! Ant L