Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Day 31 - Finisterra the end of Earth

Tuesday Sept 30th I slept in and took the bus to Finisterra. This is actually the official end of the Camino Frances and at one point considered the end is Earth. Some walk here (it is about an additional 80km) most take a bus. The first photo was taken from the bus. The second is at Finisterra

The views are amazing. It was nice to see the ocean again.

The official end is a 3km walk uphill to the lighthouse. Here many pilgrims burn items or leave things behind as a symbol of the end of this journey. I left my walking boots. Bastian climbed up and strung them high so they can swing a little and have the best view. They are hanging on the right side.

Up by the lighthouse the toilets were free but I hope you have change because the toilet paper is 0.20€ for 1 m . How to gauge how much you will need before sitting down is a challenge.

After today the feeling of accomplishment is strong. I sat on the rocks and looked out over the water and just felt complete. Then I took off my boots and put on my sandals and just walked away. It was a grew closure to a long difficult journey

The miracle though is the spontaneous recovery of my camera AFTER I made it back down the 3km to the by station. Here is the port picture took! I wonder how long it will last this time.

1 comment:

  1. So this must be where "The Way" ended. Glad your boots have a great view!! They've had a hard time, but served you well!! At least paying for the TP means you'll have it. Ant L
