Saturday, January 14, 2012

Winter hiking!

Well it finally decided to snow! So I bundled up dusted off the hiking boots and went trekking :). At 20°F I was happy to have lots of layers on.

I went to Sugarcreek Metro park and hiked about 3.25 miles I was happy I had a trekking pole as some spots were a bit slippery and at one point there was this really steep walkway...

Bonnie Squirrel tagged along so I wouldn't get too bored

The river was still flowing though parts of it were starting to ice

Did I mention a steep walkway? this was taken at eye level I had already climbed 3/4 up and was happy to finally see the top. Beautiful but a total killer to a novice hiker in the snow.

The Osage Orange tree path

Monday, January 2, 2012

the First Snow of the New Year!

It has been awhile since I've made a post. Hopefully I can get back into the groove of actually posting the photos I take.

Today I hiked in the snow. It was fabulous and very cold (20 °F) but worth it for some beautiful first snow of 2012 shots.

Someone wrote in the snow.

The ducks are still out?

yup that is silly me :)